
Cool Looking People in the City

so it turns out i'm even worse at updating regularily than i thought. Yet again i'm going to promise myself i'll do better.

Anyways, last week I was taking an extended break to escape my planned day on self motivated uni work and so walked up to Town Hall. On the way i saw some rather awesome looking people. After taking forever trying to get up the guts to ask for a photo I actually did, so i have a style hunting post for today :)

I actually have no idea what I is about this girl's style that caught my eye, possibly the awesome oversized tartan (made out of words btw), either way I love every part of this outfit. (also when i asked for a photo for my blog, she said she had one too. so when i find out who she is i'll link to her)

Not a block later, but I saw this outfit in the store window of ... I forget but it's on the corner of the Queen Victoria Building. I just find that the two styles are quite similar.
I thought this couple were just adorable quirky. Am a huge fan of bow-ties since Chuck Bass of Gossip Girl starting making my day each week while wearing them. Here's a selection http://www.fanpop.com/spots/chuck-bass/picks/show/198293/favorite-bow-tie or you could just join the facebook group dedicated to them http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chuck-Basss-Bow-Tie-Collection/84995862214. I just love how simple yet striking their outfits are, and the girl's bob is adorable.

This one was actually sent to me by my friend Sarah after her and her boyfriend chased this couple for a block trying to get the shot. While i don't think this dress was the best choice for this girl's figure, I really like the open back with big black bows. It's exactly the sort of sexy/cute mix that I like to wear myself. It really is such a shame that she has to wear it the was she is, the way it's bunched up just makes her legs look pudgy and gives the impression that she's hiding a belly roll.
This could almost have worked despite that, if it weren't for her horrendous shoe choice. Flat with tight short dresses just does not work unless you're going on 6ft and have amazing, toned legs; and this girl is neither. Also the fluffy white top of them just makes her look like she has fat ankles.


  1. I covet those boots the 1st girl have.

  2. Yay!! Am famous as am featured on your blog again :D!!!
    <3 Did you get the shot of the green mannequin? :P
    I think her shoes are uggs... :P

  3. i did get the green mannequin one, planning to feature it next post :)

    ughs are awful
